Due to COVID-19 situation in Australia, Our dental practice is only providing urgent emergency care . Our team is taking extreme precautions to ensure the well-being of our staff, patients and wider community.
If you need emergency dental treatment, please contact us on 32675473 before coming to the practice so that we can make sure that we are able to meet your needs with minimal contact. Do Not Walk-in.
We continue to follow our strict infection control and hygiene procedures with additional precautions in-between patients. We are currently CLOSED to routine and non-urgent dental care.
If you are due for your regular dental check-ups and dental work, we will contact you once we are able to return to normal working conditions.
Australian Dental Association and Federal Government has imposed restrictions on dentists to stop the spread of Coronavirus.
This means all routine dental and non-urgent dental work which can be postponed should be postponed.
If you have a dental emergency, you can contact us on 32675473 (we are working from home most of the time and consults people on the phone to find out what exactly the emergency is and how it can be best managed).
Our options at the moment under Level 3 Restrictions are limited in treating your dental emergency but we are keeping up to date with all the changes to ensure our staff and wider community’s safety and well-being.
Before you come in to see us for a dental emergency after confirming on the phone you should meet the following criteria:
If you are making a online dental emergency appointment, we will call you before you come in to the practice and make sure we are able to meet your needs. We have limited online appointments, please call 38783384 before you come in and discuss your dental emergency.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Stay safe!
Phone: 07 32675473
Email: banyodental@hotmail.com
Address: 261 St Vincents Road, Banyo 4014 QLD